'Self-love is the elixir of an immortal heart,' and what better way to ace the art of love one's self than solo traveling! In recent times, the phenomenon of traveling solo has skyrocketed, with 58 percent of Millennials partaking in the activity at some point in their lives. Moreover, Gen Zs are already on their way to further popularizing solo travel, as a recent study shows that 1 in 8 18 to 24-year-olds have already been on holiday alone. Relevant strategies, such as having a global card while traveling, make a solo trip all the more comfortable. So, without further ado, let us examine how solo traveling becomes a life-altering experience.

1. You Learn To Be Alone
Loneliness is a hard pill to swallow. However, when we introspect, the hard-hitting realization that every second person's presence in our life is transient is bound to strike. Many people find it extremely challenging to be alone with their thoughts. In such a situation, a solo trip may be helpful as it helps us be comfortable in our skin and be acquainted with being alone. Nevertheless, it is always best to have a companion when it comes to finances, and thus a global card while traveling may help!
2. You Broaden Your Perspective
A survey by Agoda reveals that 47 percent of solo travelers are motivated by the prospect of exploring new cultures. Well, the way to improve your 'dialectical thinking' skills is indeed by stepping into other people's shoes. Thus, solo travel helps you become more appreciative and accommodative of socio-cultural differences. When traveling with friends or family, it is easy to get distracted and simply enjoy the moment. However, solo travel gives you enough space and time to contemplate, introspect, think, and feel.
3. You Get Out Of Your Comfort Zones
The saying that life begins the moment we step out of our comfort zone holds unrivaled significance. One of the best ways to get out of the rut of everything 'tried and tested is by going on a solo trip. When alone, you have to do everything yourself and engage in tasks that you would never volunteer for! Therefore, a solo trip is the ultimate confidence booster for many people. It is noteworthy to remember that although life is meant to be 'uncomfortable' at times, your finances and transactions be anything but discomforting. In such a context, a global card while traveling becomes essential.
4. You Discover New Things About Yourself
One of the most beautiful things about traveling is that you come face-to-face with who you truly are. Your likes, dislikes, triggers, habits, and quirks all bear open when you travel solo as you are alone in an alien environment handling everyone by yourself. Most of the time, we find ourselves compromising on things to make our loved ones happy. But, a solo trip provides us absolute autonomy over every decision we make, thereby pushing us to discover ourselves.
So, there we have it, a crisp overview of how solo traveling changes us for the better. In case you have a solo trip coming up, possessing a global card while traveling can make everything more convenient and smooth sailing.